If you’re interested in learning about how the senses can affect well-being, here are a couple of things to try:
1) Think about what you drink: What do you drink to get you going? What drinks calm you down? Try experimenting with different drinks at different times of the day. Some people like caffeine to jump start their day. Other people find it makes them jumpy! If you’re always looking for a 3pm pick me up, could a cup of tea and quick walk do the same thing as an espresso shot without the racing heart?
2) Light and shade: Look at the room you’re in right now. How are the lights? Do you like it? Can you change things? Sometimes we don’t notice the lighting that we’re in and around every day, but it can make a big difference to your energy and mood. Check out this interesting article from mental floss about it!
3) Turning it up and down: When you’re studying/working/concentrating, do you prefer noise or quiet? Pay attention to the sounds in the environment you’re working in. Is that what works best for you? Could you try headphones? Blasting some loud music? Closing or opening the window? You could even try listening to some nature sounds through Spotify or youtube.
4) Weighted blankets: You might have heard about these – lots of people like using such items to help them feel grounded. Maybe you’ve got too much anxious energy? Maybe you’re nervous? Maybe you’re sad or stressed? Weighted blankets are great but can be expensive, so you could also try putting a weighted item (a cushion, a big book, even your dog!) on your lap or chest and see what happens!

In the course, ‘Making Sense of Your Senses‘, we’ll explore how sensory awareness strategies can help support wellness. Come along to continue exploring what works for you!